Frequently Asked Questions

AeroGrips FAQs

  • Yes, placement is critical! The primary use of Aerogrip strips is to reduce or eliminate the whistle or howl caused by airflow over smooth surfaces. As such, forward placement on the crossbar is highly recommended. Often times, these unpleasant noises start near the front of the crossbars, so placement as close as possible to the (front) leading edge of each bar is recommended.

  • Before installing any of our products, it is highly recommended to see our full online instructions in addition to the quick guide on the product package.

    During the installation process, the ends of each strip are subject to a lot of touching and manipulation. This often times introduces oils and other contaminants that deactivate the adhesives we provide on the ends.

    As such, an important part of our online instructions is to secure the ends with a dab of liquid adhesive to prevent them from peeling from the ends.

  • It is recommended to use Aerogrips on both crossbars for the best results. All of the high-end crossbars that come with grooved aerodynamic ridges similar to Aerogrips, from both premium brands and the factory have this feature on both crossbars. We sell single and double packs so you can buy the amount that best meets your needs for applying to both crossbars.

  • No, excess wind buffeting is primarily reduced by using a wind faring, which can be used in addition to Aerogrips. Each tool has a different purpose and are intended to be used in conjunction, not as a replacement for one another. The primary use for Aerogrips is to reduce or eliminate the high pitched whistle caused by fast moving air flowing over smooth surfaces at higher speeds, and to add a grippier, softer surface to your crossbars.

    • Smooth airflow over surfaces at higher speeds. This is one of the main causes of the annoying whistle or howl many people experience after adding  crossbars and roof racks to their vehicle. The specially angled, grooved surface of Aerogrips breaks this smooth airflow up and greatly reduces or totally eliminates this type of whistle.

    • Air leaking into surface areas or components of the crossbars. Similar to blowing over an open bottle, airflow leaking into the crossbars can also cause a whistle or howl.

    • Crossbars that are improperly installed, damaged, defective or missing pieces can cause excessive whistling and howling noises. If there is an issue with your crossbars or the way they are installed, Aerogrips will not fix this.

  • This is not recommended.

    While the 3M VHB adhesive we use is extremely strong, special rubber adhesion promotors should be used when adhering to rubber. For the best long term adhesion and results, we recommend adhering to properly prepared crossbar surfaces and not rubber.

    Much of the howling or whistling noises crossbars make from air flowing over smooth surfaces starts in front of these inlaid rubber strips anyway. The best results generally come from more forward placement, in front of these inlaid strips, as close to the front of the bar as possible.

    If placing Aerogrips over existing rubber is very important to your application, it is best to adhere them with a liquid adhesive and not the included 3M VHB strips.

  • No, this is not recommended.

    Many high-end, costly crossbar systems come with grooved strips that are inlaid within the crossbar.

    Aerogrips are designed to be adhered to crossbars that either have or do not have inlaid rubber strips. The design and engineering of Aerogrips is intended for adhesion and the height and width is not correct for being inlaid. If the Aerogrip is inlaid within the crossbar, it is likely to sit too low, not seal on the sides and exacerbate whistle, not diminish it.

    For best results, adhere Aerogrips to the crossbar surface as far forward as possible, toward the front of each bar.

    If Inlaying Aerogrips within your crossbar is important to your application, it is vital that is fits very tightly edge to edge (front to back and left to right). Any gaps will create even more whistle than previously present.

  • If you have added Aerogrips to your roof system and the whistle or howl is still there, or even louder, here are the main reasons why:

    • Improper placement of the Aerogrip strips. Aerogrips should never be inlaid or placed on the existing rubber strips. They should be adhered to the crossbars as far forward as possible.


    • Air leaking into openings or gaps: similar to blowing over an open bottle, air rushing over any openings can also cause a whistle. The most common cause of the whistling or howling noises from crossbars is usually from air rushing over smooth surfaces. If the Aerogrips on the (front) leading edges of each crossbar does not rectify this, then air is getting into an opening somewhere on the crossbar(s). Common reasons for this are:

    • Missing screw or bolt covers

    • Air leaking between the crossbars and included inlaid strips. (Covering these gaps with duct tape or similar is know to help this.

    • Missing end caps or pieces protruding from the crossbars that should not.

    • Improperly installed bars (such as reversed forwards and backwards)or (facing the wrong direction).

    • Damaged or defective crossbars from the factory

    • Other openings or defects on the factory vehicle rails that the crossbars attach to.

Blind Spot Mirror FAQs

  • Upon receiving your NXTGEN Extended View™ blind spot mirrors, you may see what initially looks like scratches, haze or other defects in the glass. The vast majority of the time, that is not the case. We hand assemble and inspect each mirror set prior to packaging and shipping, to ensure they meet our high quality standards. During the manufacturing process of our outer clamshell packaging, each unit is very tightly shrink wrapped with a virtually invisible layer upon ejection from the machinery. This extra layer of protection will often get scratched and marred in transit so that the mirrors and package don’t. With or without this shrink wrap, please remember, the look of the outer packaging is not an accurate representation of the actual mirror glass. Please remove the mirrors from the package for a true representation of the glass condition and clarity, as all aspects of the packaging are simply intended to protect the mirrors while in transit.

    For more information, please click to see our full online mirror instructions here.

    If you have further concerns, please click to contact our team here.

  • Every mirror we create is in fact custom designed for the specific vehicle it is listed for. Custom designed does not always mean the blind spot mirror will be the exact same shape as the factory mirror.

    Every vehicle manufacturer has some unique attributes, and some vehicles cannot have blind spot mirrors that are the exact same shape as the factory mirror glass. If they were the same shape, it would hit the side view mirror housings and fall off before the factory mirrors moved to their full inward our outward positions. Therefore, some of our blind spot mirrors are designed to accommodate the vehicle housings in addition to looking as custom as custom fit as possible.

    Each set of vehicle specific instructions fully explains the fitment, position and some brand nuances that may impact your specific fitment.

    For more information, please click to see our full online mirror instructions here.

  • We guarantee that each product ships free of any manufacturing defects.

    For warranty information, please click here.

    If you have further concerns, please click to contact our team here.

  • Yes! We sell the same die-cut replacement adhesive that your blind spot mirrors came with originally. Please visit the vehicle specific listing for your blind spot mirrors to purchase. The replacement adhesive is sold as a single piece, not a pair.